Say hello to CECLution...your new tool for CECL compliance.

Like it or not, Current Expected Credit Loss – also known as CECL – will significantly impact how credit unions account for expected credit losses.

Have no fear – CECLution is here.

We are pleased to introduce a new product designed to help credit unions prepare for upcoming FASB accounting changes. CECLution is a robust, self-directed, online platform built on the financial know-how of Catalyst Strategic Solutions.

Based on the Weighted Average Remaining Maturity (WARM) method, CECLution offers several benefits:

  • Captures and maintains credit union historical data
  • Automatically integrates economic data
  • Displays credit union and peer data
  • Enables fully customizable Q-factors and carve-outs
  • Preserves core assumptions for easy updates
  • Saves and stores forecasts

Want to know more? Explore the many other features and benefits of this service or request a no-obligation demonstration today.