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Revitalizing Work Culture: Insights from Sara Ross at Forum 2023

by Catalyst Corporate | Oct 16, 2023

At Catalyst’s 2023 Economic & Payments Forum, leadership expert Sara Ross delivered a thought-provoking session titled, "Dear Work, Something Has to Change.” Ross discussed the importance of leadership vitality and how it can have a significant impact on employee morale. 

The ripple effect of leadership vitality

Forum-Day-2-RossAccording to Ross, leadership vitality is a crucial aspect of a thriving work culture. “Your capacity to raise the collective potential of others by bringing your best, most energized self to the work you do – in a way, that is healthy for all of you,” she said. “When employees feel energized and enthusiastic about their work, they are more likely to be engaged and productive.”

As leaders prioritize their well-being and model a healthy work-life balance, it creates a positive ripple effect, said Ross.

Leadership vitality fosters a supportive and motivating environment. By making this a priority, organizations can cultivate a culture that promotes productivity, creativity and employee well-being.

Addressing exhaustion from the top down

Leaders play a crucial role in establishing workplace culture. When they’re battling fatigue, it can have a detrimental impact on their ability to effectively lead and motivate their team.

“Exhaustion not only affects a leader's performance, but also sends a message to their employees that overworking and burnout are the norm,” said Ross.

Furthermore, exhausted leaders are less likely to make thoughtful and strategic decisions. Fatigue can cloud judgment and hinder the ability to adequately problem-solve. This can lead to ineffective communication and collaboration within the team.

To address this issue, it’s crucial for organizations to focus on the well-being of their leaders. This may involve strategies like providing workload management resources, encouraging self-care practices and fostering a culture of open communication and support.

By addressing the issue from the top down, organizations can create a healthier and more productive work environment for all employees.

Strategies for revitalizing your work environment

Revitalizing work culture can be a challenging task, especially during times of increased stress and heightened demand. However, certain strategies can be implemented to bring forth positive change, benefitting both employees and the employer. One such strategy is S.L.O.W. – an acronym coined by Ross.

“S.L.O.W. stands for: Stop, Language, Oxgenate and Wonder. It is a process that helps individuals slow down, take a step back, and reflect on their thoughts, feelings and actions,” said Ross.

By practicing the S.L.O.W. approach, employees can reduce stress, improve communication and increase productivity. This methodology can be used with everyday tasks, such as managing meetings or making decisions, to make long-term improvements. 

Oxygenation techniques are practices that promote a healthy and focused mindset.

“Oxygenation can be achieved through breathing exercises, physical activity and spending time in nature,” said Ross. Employers can encourage employees to practice these techniques by creating spaces and activities that facilitate oxygenation.

According to Ross, leaders should guide by example, with empathy, and through empowerment. By modeling the desired behavior, leaders set a standard for their team members to follow. Empathy and empowerment are shown by listening to employee concerns, supporting their ideas and offering opportunities for growth.

Today, successfully revitalizing organizational work culture requires a combination of approaches. Ross’ S.L.O.W. strategy, oxygenation practices and tips for effective leadership are just a few ways you can improve productivity, collaboration and employee satisfaction – creating a happier and healthier work culture.

Want to know more about Ross’ strategies to revitalize work culture? Catalyst’s Economic & Payments Forum is now available on-demand.